1 card, 5 libraries
Our Library staff see immense benefits to operations by being a member of PCIN. They collaborate in operations and services, see cost savings through centralizing tasks and purchasing, and also shared expertise and technical support. All while retaining individual library autonomy.
But you the library cardholder, have a huge benefit of PCIN as well. With your individual library card, you can borrow physical and digital materials from any library in Perth County! You can travel to each library and use your card, or request items online and have them shipped to your location of choice.
There currently are over 202,500 items for you to choose from including:
- 163000+ books
- 19100+ DVDs
- 5500+ books on cd
- 3500+ issues of magazines
- 4900+ music cds
- 750+ kits
- 170+ Book Club kits
- 66900+ ebooks and audiobooks
Print materials are available in a variety of formats including braille and large print. Materials are also available in numerous languages.
Some locations have special items available for loan to their specific library's customers such as wireless hotspots, park passes, laptops and board games.
And the best part, they are all freely available with your library card.